Electronic Filing RSS feed provides the ability to search and download
recently filed reports. This can be done automatically (via the RSS reader) or
manually (through scrolling the web page). Interested entities no longer need
to auto-scan the Commission’s Electronic Filing Report Retrieval on the FEC
website to get the latest information. Reports for the last seven days are
posted here and are available for immediate access. To facilitate report
retrieval, interactive client RSS reader software is supported as well as
custom developed applications (See the Technical Information section of this
User Guide). The User Guide may also be
in PDF format by clicking the following
NOTE: To view the PDF version of the User Guide, Adobe Reader must be installed. You may obtain it by clicking the following icon
RSS feed URL is located at
Custom RSS Feed With Committee ID(s)
The list of
pre-generated RSS feeds contains a set of filtered feeds of electronically
submitted reports for the last seven days.
New Electronic Filings All recently filed electronic
Recently filed electronic Monthly reports (M2, M3, M4..etc)
Recently filed electronic Quarterly reports (Q1, Q2, Q3..etc)
Filings (F3P) Recently filed
electronic Presidential reports based on the form type (F3PN, F3PA, or F3PT)
Filings (F3) Recently filed
electronic Congressional reports based on the form type (F3N, F3A, F3LN, F3LA
or F3T)
and Party Filings (F3X) Recently
filed electronic PAC and Party reports based on the form type (F3XN, F3XA, or
RSS Feed can be custom filtered to one or more than one Committee ID using this
section. If more than one committee ID is entered they must be separated by a
comma (e.g. C00505412, C00513531).
RSS Feed can be custom filtered even further to provide a narrower feed by
using this section. The selectable
fields can be multi-selected while the District field only accepts a single two
digit number entry. The available fields
to filter on are as follows:
Type (Form 3, Form 3X, Form 3L ..etc),
Affiliation (DEM, REP ..etc),
(The RSS defaults to the Committee State if the Candidate State unavailable),
(This field is strictly provided from the Committees’ Candidate District.
Committees without a Candidate District will not display in result).
The FEC provides the
following technical information to assist developers needing to integrate the
feed into their applications:
The RSS page complies
with RSS 2.0 specification. For
interactive client RSS reader, the data display is usually self-explanatory.
Information for each new filing is embedded in a RSS item, as illustrated
Filing By ENDORSE LIBERTY, INC</title>
<description><p>The ENDORSE LIBERTY, INC successfully
filed their F24A with a confirmation ID of FEC-786581</p>*********CommitteeId:
C00508002 | FilingId: 786581 | FormType:
F24A | CoverageFrom:
| CoverageThrough: | ReportType:
<pubDate>Thu, 24 May 2012
17:59:32 GMT</pubDate>
The <title>
element content format is “New Filing By <CommitteeName>”;
the <link> element contains the URL to download the actual FEC filing;
the <pubDate> element is for when the new
filing is received by FEC;
The <description>
element contains two portions of data. The first part is intended for
interactive client RSS reader. The
second part, starting and ending with boundary delimiter “;*********”, is
reserved for custom applications to easily embed and retrieve Meta information
for the filing with minimum program effort.
The Meta information is embedded with the format of:
: <keyValue1> | <keyName2> : <keyValue2>*********
The <keyValueN>
may be empty. Note that the <description> element content is HTML-encoded
to improve the display for interactive RSS reader. Although rare, it is
possible that the Meta information is encoded with HTML entity expressions. So
developers should first HTML-decode the <description> element content
before processing the Meta information.
The format of the
<description> data is designed so that the information can be displayed
reasonably well by interactive RSS reader; still allow flexible inclusion of
Meta information that can be easily processed by programs, requiring only
minimum functions for the RSS parser library to be used by custom applications.